

This year we fed 24 missionaries for Thanksgiving--there were hardly any left-overs! We had a lot of fun and think we filled them all up.
We had all the traditional trimmings, even the mincemeat pie, thanks to Sister Larabee. This shows just the dessert table with the "older" missionaries cutting the pie to make sure the sizes were equal:).
This is what you do when you spill something on your tie (according to an old Italian remedy). You throw flour on the spot and make a frowny face!
Proof that turkey makes you sleepy!

Visitors Arrive!

The Torontos, Rammells, and Balls visited Etna but couldn't see her because of clouds and snow! We did see this roof which is all that remains of one house after Etna erupted.

Jenna and Andrew and Kate and Andy Ball arrived in Sicily. We played tourist with them by visiting Greek and Roman ruins and Etna (of course).

We went to church in Mistretta and had a wonderful lunch with the Branch Pres. family.