
Tidbits of our Lives

Picture 1: I should have taken this before I ate most of it. Yes, it is pink and purple and has suction cups--It is octopus! It is a special dish of the southern Italians. They serve it with a nice lemon and olive oil dressing. I like it, but it does give me pause--I keep think I shouldn't be eating anything that is pink and purple, but I also worry about those suction cups. I'm afraid they just may stick to my tongue one of these days!!!

Picture 2: This shows a few of our missionaries and what they eat at zone conference. It is called panzarotto. It is sort of like a pizza folded in half (either oven baked or fried). They are huge. (Missionaries: Anz. Vieweg, Anz. Niccoli, Anz. Wilkinson)
Note: The missionaries in the middle is Anziano Niccoli--from our home Stake. First Jim was is Stake Pres. and now his Mission President. He just can't get away from us!!! We love having him here.

Last week we were on the Island country of Malta with the Young Single Adults--it is part of our mission. This picture was taken at the service part of the conference. We were at a refugee camp. We were scraping the plaster from the walls exposing the rock underneath. It was hot and sweaty, and wonderful!! The Young Single Adults began singing as they worked. What great young people!!

We discovered a bit of home on Malta and took the missionaries out to dinner with us. Note--we didn't have pasta! Anz. Orton, Anz. Armillei, Anz. Tilini, Anz. Gann
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