
New Leaders and the Mostra

The Cosenza District was reorganized on May 24th. Presidente Ranieri (who is also the branch president of the Catanzaro Branch) was released as District President. President Oliverio from Crotone is the new District President with Anziano Harris (senior missionary) serving as a counselor.
The Ranieri family just might get to see their dad a little more often now!

This is the new mostra. Each city could choose what they wanted on the panels. There are three panels.
They look very professional. They fit in a case--for easier
transport and look magnificient! Finalmente!
The Malta Branch was reorganized on May 31st. President Kiley flew back to Australia today to be with his wife and family. They sold their kayak business and are trying to sell the house. The new branch president is Elder Beresford (from England). Elder Beresford and his wife are the missionary couple on Malta.

Pictured here are: Eddie (past 1st conselor) and President Kiley. We will miss them on Malta!!
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